4 research outputs found

    Embroidered Inflatables: Exploring Sample Making in Research through Design

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    This paper reflects on the experience of sample making to develop interactive materials. Sample making is a way to explore possibilities related to different materials techniques. In recent years design research has put an increasing emphasis on making as a mode of exploration, which in turn has made such exploration an increasingly popular and effective design research approach. However, sample making is a messy and complex process that is hard to document and communicate. To mitigate this, design researchers typically report their journeys from the perspective of their success, retroactively editing out or reducing the accounts of experiments that did not directly contribute to their goal. Although it is a useful way to of contextualizing a design process, it can contribute to a loss of richness and complexity of the work done along the way. Samples can be seen as instantiations of socio-techno systems of production, which means that they can be looked at from different perspectives and can potentially become the starting points of new design explorations. In recognition of this quality, we aim to investigate ways that samples can be appropriated in future journeys. To do so, we analyzed and reflected on the sample making process of the Embroidered Inflatables as a design case. The project resulted in 27 samples that explored distinct challenges related to designing actuators for soft wearables through the combination of silicone casting and embroidery techniques. To explore the potential of sample appropriation, we invited a fashion designer to a creative session that analyzed these samples from her personal perspective to identify new design directions. We detail the design process, reflect on our sample making experience and present strategies to support us in the process of reevaluating and appropriating samples

    Subjective experience gathering techniques for interaction design: subjective psychological exploration techniques based in the constructivism paradigm for informational and inspirational purposes

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    El camp d'Experi猫ncia d'Usuari consta d'una 脿mplia gamma d'aspectes diferents sobre la interacci贸 amb productes o serveis. L'experi猫ncia d'usuari difereix del paradigma objectiu basat en el rendiment, centrant-se en un punt de vista m茅s ampli on les necessitats d'usuaris, els desitjos i les fantasies tenen un paper important en el proc茅s de presa de decisions dels usuaris. L'enfocament d' hip貌tesi i validaci贸 utilitzant an脿lisi quantitatiu t茅 dificultats per tractar, d'una manera estructurada, altres tipus d'informaci贸 que aspectes estrictament relacionats amb l'煤s dels productes (per exemple les emocions) on els resultats obtinguts s贸n ef铆mers i complexos.Els aspectes d'experi猫ncia d'usuari que impliquen sentiments relacionats amb necessitats inherents, desitjos i fantasies s'anomenen informaci贸 subjectiva sobre l'experi猫ncia. Per obtenir aquesta classe d'informaci贸, l'experi猫ncia d'usuari s'analitza segons la relaci贸 psicol貌gica entre usuaris i productes o serveis. Aquesta tesi descriu el canvi de paradigme que proposa la psicologia constructivista i la seva pertin猫ncia per a l'aplicaci贸 en l'obtenenci贸 d'informaci贸 subjective sobre l'experi猫ncia d'usuari en les primeres fases del disseny de producte. Primerament, una visi贸 de conjunt general del punt de vista proposat presenta les bases de la psicologia constructivista aplicables al camp de l'experi猫ncia d'usuari. Despr茅s, differents estudis exploratoris il路lustren, amb exemples, com s'haurien d'utilitzar aquestes t猫cniques com eines d'obtenci贸 d'informaci贸 subjectiva:- La t猫cnica dels paisatges experiencials utilitza la graella cognitive, una aproximaci贸 alternativista al constructivisme, per obtenir informaci贸 sobre la resposta dels consumidors a un cert grup de productes i els requeriments d'煤s.- El procediments de restricci贸 utilitzen t猫cniques d'escalament (aproximaci贸 discursiva al constructivisme) per aconseguir informaci贸 nuclear sobre valors que una persona t茅. Aplicat a disseny de producte serveix per augmentar el nivell de precisi贸, obtenint informaci贸 que relaciona atributs emocionals, funcionals i f铆sics del producte. - El m猫tode de generaci贸 de met脿fores sensorials es pot considerar una aproximaci贸 ret貌rica al constructivisme i utilitza productes, objectes i contextos com vehicles per transmetre coneixement t脿cit.- La visualitzaci贸 de necessitats i desitjos latents 茅s una aproximaci贸 narrativa al constructivisme. Utilitza presentacions de v铆deo per desvelar comportaments d'interaccions futures que compleixen els desitjos i les aspiracions dels usuaris.Les t猫cniques per a l'obteci贸 d'informaci贸 subjectiva sobre l'experiencia d'usuari proposades en aquesta tesi doctoral (SEGIT) emergeixen de l'an脿lisi de les avantatges i febleses dels estudis exploratoris anteriors. Es poden considerar com un conjunt de t猫cniques (exploratives i projectives) per ser utilitzades durant el proc茅s de disseny com a eina inspiradora per guiar el proc茅s creatiu (una t猫cnica de generaci贸 d'idees d'experi猫ncia per desenvolupar nous conceptes d'interacci贸) i un model per a la validaci贸 de resposta futura dels consumidors. La informaci贸 obtinguda amb el m猫tode de SEGIT s'analitza per a prop貌sits inspiradors i informatius:- Des d'un punt de vista inspirador, el conjunt de t猫cniques proporcionen aspectes clau per al proc茅s d'inspiraci贸. Les t猫cniques explorat貌ries permeten obtenir idees detallades i justificades i les t猫cniques projectives conceptes amb un nivell alt d'abstracci贸 i coher猫ncia al mateix temps. - Des d'un punt de vista informatiu, aquest conjunt de t猫cniques es poden utilitzar per obtenir informaci贸 sobre la prefer猫ncia de compra dels consumidors. Alhora que analitza diferents variables que afecten la fiabilitat dels resultats obtinguts.En conclusi贸, la visi贸 sobre el disseny de la interacci贸 presentat en aquesta tesi doctoral i les t猫cniques proposades mostren un cam铆 optimista per explorar amb el prop貌sit de millorar l'acceptaci贸 de noves tecnologies en la vida quotidiana.The field of User Experience (UX) consists of a wide range of different aspects about the interaction with products or services. User experience differs from the performance-based objective paradigm, focusing on a wider point of view where users needs, desires and fantasies have a role in the users decision-making process. Quantitative analysis and hypothesis and validation approaches have difficulties to deal, in a structured way, with information other than that, which is strictly related to aspects regarding product usage (i.e. emotions and affect, social interaction) and the results obtained are ephemeral and complex to measure. The aspects of user experience that involve feelings related to inherent needs, desires and fantasies are called subjective experience information. To obtain this kind of information, user experience analyzes the psychological relationship between users and products or services. This thesis describes constructivist psychology and its relevance for user experience research in early stages of product development. First, a general overview of the proposed point of view introduces constructivist psychology to user experience practitioners. Then several exploratory studies illustrate, with examples, how these techniques should be used as subjective user experience information gathering tools:- The experience landscapes technique use the repertory grid as an alternativist approach to constructivism for gathering information about consumers' response to a certain group of products and extract users' experience requirements. - The tightening procedure uses laddering techniques (discursive approach to constructivism) to get core information, the values a person holds. In order to increase the level of accuracy, obtaining design relevant information that relates emotional, functional and physical product attributes.- The sensory metaphor generation method can be considered a rhetorical approach to constructivism and uses products, objects and contexts as carriers of meaning of subjective experiences.- The visualization of inner needs and desires technique is a narrative approach to constructivism. It uses video presentations to unveil future interactions behaviours that fulfil users' desires and aspirations. The Subjective Experience Gathering and Inspiring Techniques proposed in this PhD thesis (SEGIT) emerges from the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of those exploratory studies. It can be considered a set of techniques (explorative and projective techniques) to be used throughout the design process as an inspirational tool to guide the creative process, a generation technique of experience ideas to develop interaction concepts and a model for consumers' future response validation. The information obtained with the SEGIT method is analyzed for inspirational and informational purposes:- From an inspirational point of view, the set of techniques provide key aspects of the inspiration process in relation to exploratory (detailed and complete ideas) and projective techniques (concepts with high level of abstraction and coherence at the same time). In addition, results show that different aspects like the participants' linguistic abilities and practitioners' guiding skills affect consistency.- From an informational point of view this set of techniques can be used to obtain subjective experience construing profiles about consumers' product preference. At the same time the results show how variables like participants' cognitive complexity of consumers' response and the cognitive structure of the valuation process affect its reliability.In conclusion, the approach to interaction design presented by this research and the proposed techniques for inspirational and informational purposes show an optimistic path to explore with the aim to help designers to bring peoples' sensorial experience and technology closer together

    When does clothing become textile architecture? Creating dynamic qualities in architecture through the power of embodied ideation techniques

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    Textile architecture bridges two distinct design practices that operate at different scales. The challenge of designing a soft and dynamic architecture has been widely addressed by architects and researchers. However, few of these projects adopt a textile design perspective. By proposing an embodied approach to textile architecture, this paper aims to contribute to new ways of designing textile architecture by means of transdisciplinary collaboration. Through a case study, we explore how the dynamic qualities of textiles in relation to body movement can inform new textile architectural design processes. The results show that the transformative nature of textiles, as a material that is adaptive, soft and dynamic, fosters a new understanding of textile architecture when coupled with the body. An embodied approach such as this addresses a perspective of power relations that is distributed across a relational network of agents and their capacity to perform as enablers and disablers, allowing architects and textile designers to work at the same level regardless of scale

    Designing ultra-personalized product service systems

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    Design games are rarely used to design shoes but data and emerging digital fabrication systems are rapidly changing how designers make things. We envision a near future where shoes are personalised using algorithmic, parametric, and generative systems that are data-driven. In this article, we describe and deploy a design game for shoes to help designers create circular Ultra-Personalised Product Service System. Designing such products (that include services supported by systems that last over product lifetimes) presents a multitude of challenges; product challenges in negotiating design considerations, service challenges in customer journeys and systemic challenges in creating data flows. The UPPSS game was designed to help scaffold designers in confronting these challenges. The UPPSS game was deployed with 16 industrial design students over nine weeks where shoes, services, and systems were all made using code to program personalisation systems. Each participant wrote a reflection on the process. The reflections were analysed to see how the design game resulted in facing the challenges and learnings of a UPPSS. Conclusions are presented from the challenges and opportunities confronted in the game, and what it meant to the emerging practices of designing a UPPSS